February is a time to celebrate love, heritage and Mt. Tabor’s expansion.

The second month of the year is one to love or hate, depending on your level of appreciation for cold weather. The Mt. Tabor building professionals get the best of both worlds, as most of their jobs are under roof, including their office expansion project. They are celebrating the expansion with a two-day open house event at their National Pike location on February 23rd and Mt. Tabor timber frame cutting operation in Clear Spring, MD24th.

They are also celebrating the company’s new timber frame shop. After years of relying on third-party vendors for cutting the timbers for the Mt. Tabor-designed custom homes, company founder Willie Eby decided to bring the work in house.

“We are your full-service company for all things timber framing including concept, design, fabrication and installation,” says Mt. Tabor’s Rick Yohe. “Our new timber shop is open and ready to take orders, from porches to custom bents to full timber frame homes.

“Every cut of a heavy timber takes precision and accuracy. An experienced timber tech is essential to tight fitting joints and attention to details for the perfectly stunning finished product.” 


Other Reasons to Love February

February is the Love month for those at Mt. Tabor Builders, custom home and construction company in Clear Spring, MD.February is also the time to celebrate your favorite loved one with candy, flowers — maybe some jewelry — and a special night out.

It all began when the Feast of Saint Valentine was established by Pope Gelasius I in AD 496, celebrated on February 14. It was in honor of Valentine of Rome who died on the same date in AD 269 and became a martyred saint. So the date — which is now synonymous with St. Valentine’s Day — has significance, but it wasn’t until the 14th Century it became associated with romantic love.


  • These February events in the Hagerstown area. Lots of indoor options for those averse to the cold air.
  • February is packed with holidays and history. Abraham Lincoln‘s birthday on the 12th; the 15th is the Chinese New Year and Susan B. Anthonys birthday; and the 22nd is founding father George Washington’s birthday.
  • February is American Heart Month; Great American Pie Month; Black History Month (more details below); Bird-Feeding Month; and Dental Health Month.
  • Amethyst is the birthstone for those born in the shortest month of the year. NOTE: This February has 29 days because it’s leap year.


February is Black History Month

February is Black History MonthThe origins of celebrating the accomplishments of Black Americans starts in 1915. But it wasn’t until 1976 that government leaders brought national recognition to annually celebrating pioneers like boxer Jack Johnson, activist Rosa Parks, Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall, Scientist George Washington Carver and so many more.

Click on the History.com article to learn more about Black History Month.


Schedule a Meeting with Mt. Tabor Builders

Logo for Mt. Tabor Builders in Clear Spring, MDYou can contact the Mt. Tabor office here or call 301.766-716 to talk about a meeting time or ask questions. The office can also be reached by emailing info@mttaborbuilders.com.

Click on these links to go to the company’s custom homemajor addition and outdoor living space photo galleries. This link is for the Mt. Tabor Builder testimonials page.



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