Your Tax Return Can Help with a Home Upgrade from Mt. Tabor Builders

Spring has finally arrived in the Tri-state area of Maryland, West Virginia and Pennsylvania. And by now, many of you are likely waiting for that tax refund to hit the bank account. Now tax return to pay for home improvements by Mt. Tabor Builders in Clear Spring, MDis the time to start thinking about a wise way to invest those funds. A great idea is to invest in your home and your family.

Part or all could go towards building that dream home or major addition. If such an ambitious undertaking is not in your future, you may want to complete that renovation project you have been thinking about for some time. It may only pay part of the cost depending on what the government owes you. If that’s the case, using some savings, a home equity line of credit or 401k loan (where you pay yourself back with no penalty), the dream can quickly become a reality. Here are some details about what the Mt. Tabor building professionals can do for you.


Mt. Tabor Builds Custom Homes

Victorian home built by Mt. Tabor BuildersThe Mt. Tabor Builders design and construction experts can build you the dream home that has been flashing through your mind for years. They have experience creating just about every style. A Colonial Home usually has two or three stories, fireplaces and a classic brick exterior. This Victorian Home (pictured) is even my majestic in person. This style home (named for the era Victorian – 1840 – 1900) is known for romantic and abundant detail, featuring a steeply pitched roof and an asymmetrical facade with a full-width front porch. The Craftsman-style Home dates back to 1905 and usually features a cozy feel and lots of exposed wood, referred to as timber frame features.

Timber frame construction and accents are a specialty of Mt. Tabor. They now cut their own timber for full-time residences and weekend cabins in the local mountains of Maryland and West Virginia. Other popular home designs include log homes, Cape Cods and even duplexes.


Mt. Tabor Builds Major Additions and Renovations

Mt. Tabor Builders of Clear Spring, MD finished this basement into a man cave in a Washington County MD home.Do you need a home office? Do you need more living space, such as a bedroom, bathroom or comfortable family room?

Willie Eby’s design team will listen to the homeowner’s priorities. They will ask questions and formulate ideas to match up with the client’s desires. This process will go on until the homeowner is excited about the plan. It may be a simple addition for that home office need. It could be a multi-room major addition that includes bedrooms, bathrooms and/or an open living area for the larger family gatherings. Finishing basements — like the “man cave” pictured here — are a great example of how the team can take a space and make the most of it. 

A popular trend for finishing basements and bonus rooms is the “in-law suite.” This is for extended family needing to move in and have their own space. Aging parents usually need a Outdoor living space, porch on custom colonial home in Boonsboro, MD built by Mt. Tabor Builders of Clear Spring, MDbedroom, bathroom, kitchen and living space. These spaces can also be designed with the “aging-in-place” approach. This design allows room and the conveniences for physical limitations that may require walkers, wheel chairs, etc…for the residents.

The Mt. Tabor team has also designed and completed whole-house renovations for a number of clients. Usually homeowners like their location but not certain aspects of the house  in that location. Renovations can be limited to the interior or exterior or include any entire makeover. Sometimes the change is as simple as adding an outdoor living space. Mt. Tabor has built plenty of those too, like the one pictured. They also design and build garages.


Mt. Tabor Completes Home Improvement Upgrades

Somewhere in between major renovations and DIY home improvement projects is where Mt. Tabor’s professionals can be of great help. New cabinets, flooring, replacement windows, upgraded doors, a new roof, and so much more.

Replacement windows installed by Mt. Tabor Builders in Clear Spring, MD.The Mt. Tabor home improvement specialists use Andersen Windows for their replacement window projects.  Andersen Windows provide an upgrade to the security and energy efficiency found in inexpensive replacement windows. This makes a huge difference in electric bills during the high temperatures of summer and the lows of winter. The energy savings will pay for the windows within a few years.

The Andersen Windows used by Mt. Tabor’s crews come in a seemingly unlimited number of custom sizes and colors. These include wood stain pre-finishes, including pine, mahogany, oak, maple, etc…This allows the owner of an older home to make a near-perfect match to existing characteristics of the dwelling. Andersen Windows are maintenance-free, or “worry-free.” Andersen also has some of the best warranty options in the replacement window industry.

Greencastle, PA craftsman custom home built by Mt. Tabor Builders in Clear Spring, MDThere are several good reasons to replace exterior doors and upgrading these important entry points to your home. Many exterior doors currently installed are succumbing to one or more aging issues. Do your doors shows signs of rust, rot, air infiltration or outdated design? Most people can live with outdated design, but not the other issues. Check your doors the next time the wind blows. If you feel the air you may want to talk to Mt. Tabor about an upgrade.

The Mt. Tabor professionals install Therma-Tru Entry Doors, with the option of adding a three-point security system. The doors are constructed of rust- and dent-resistant fiberglass. The doors come ready to paint or stain to match or compliment your home’s design Tax return money to pay for GAF Shingles for roof replacements by Mt. Tabor Builders in Clear Spring, MDfeatures.

The two things to consider when your home needs a roof replacement are the quality of the roofing product and quality of the installer. The GAF StainGuard protection keeps algae — which can breakdown shingles —  from taking hold. The roofing materials come in a wide range of styles and colors to fit any architectural style and personal taste.


Plan to Meet with Mt. Tabor Builders

The Mt. Tabor Builders office is in Clear Spring, MD, just west of Hagerstown. It’s best to schedule a time to meet, but if you’re in the area, you can stop in the newly-renovated showroom during regular business hours Monday through Thursday. Contact the Mt. Tabor office here or call 301.766-716 to talk about a meeting time or ask questions. The office can also be reached by emailing

You can click on these links to go to the company’s custom homemajor addition and outdoor living space photo galleries. Click on this link to read Mt. Tabor testimonials.



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